"This is the scariest shit! I also have Coulrophobia, it's dreadful. Although I will say that 'Shivers' from "Fear of Clowns" is kinda hot (body-wise!)..."

"SJP and Rihanna have pushed their boobs up, it's not a boob job."

"1. Stardust 2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 3. Black Swan 4. Cinderella 5. Kill Bill Vol. 1 6. The Adventures of Tintin 7. The Nightmare Before Christmas 8. The King's Speech "

"How did Uma Thurman do that scene in Kill Bill 2? Hhmmm..."

"AMAAAAAAAAAZING LIST! Great job x However, having pointed these out you have ruined my childhood in like, what 3-7 minutes? (I wasn't timing how long it took to read this :P)"

"I respect your opinion, but disagree with quite a few of these! :P"

"This is a great list and I totally agree with Number 1, Frollo scares the living shit out of me! :( But Shan Yu and Scar before Ursula?!? Hell to the no! Good job though :)"

"You forgot Warwick Davies as Professor Filius Flitwick!"

"I think you should replace Emma Roberts, who is already rather established with the far too underrated actress Emily Browning :)"